

This course provides the knowledge and skills to assemble desktop computers and install essential software. It further provides necessary skills to troubleshoot problems in computer systems.


2 Months (Weekday/Weekend)


Payable in Monthly Installments

Course Contents

  • Components of Desktop Computers
  • Essential Tools for the Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Assembly of Desktop Computers
  • Preventative Maintenance and Troubleshooting in Desktop Computer Hardware
  • Windows Operating Systems – Features and Installation
  • Troubleshooting in Desktop Operating Systems
  • Essential Skills for the IT Professional


July 20, 2015

Certificate in Computer Hardware (CCH)

Provide the foundation knowledge in IT with a special emphasis on Software used in Business Organizations and the essential knowledge on the functional areas of management
July 20, 2015

Diploma in Web Publishing and Programming (DWPP)

Provide the foundation knowledge in IT with a special emphasis on Software used in Business Organizations and the essential knowledge on the functional areas of management
June 10, 2024

Diploma in Professional Human Resource Management (HRMI)

Provide the foundation knowledge in IT with a special emphasis on Software used in Business Organizations and the essential knowledge on the functional areas of management
July 20, 2015

Diploma in Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design (DTP)

Provide the foundation knowledge in IT with a special emphasis on Software used in Business Organizations and the essential knowledge on the functional areas of management