

This course provides the essential Software and Internet Technology skills for today’s workplace. Further advanced topics in Computing are conducted to broaden knowledge on software and best practices for Organizational success.


6 Months (Weekday/Weekend)


Payable in Monthly Installments

Course Contents

  • Introduction to Information Technology
  • Word Processing (Microsoft Word 2016)
  • Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel 2016)
  • Database Management (Microsoft Access 2016)
  • Presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint 2016)
  • Internet technologies for organizational productivity
  • Web Designing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Information Security and Backup
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Computer Assembling & Troubleshooting


July 20, 2015

Diploma in Computer Studies (DCS)

Provide the foundation knowledge in IT with a special emphasis on Software used in Business Organizations and the essential knowledge on the functional areas of management
July 20, 2015

Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)

Provide the foundation knowledge in IT with a special emphasis on Software used in Business Organizations and the essential knowledge on the functional areas of management
July 18, 2015

Diploma in Business Information Technology (DBIT)

Provide the foundation knowledge in IT with a special emphasis on Software used in Business Organizations and the essential knowledge on the functional areas of management