Diploma in Professional Human Resource Management (HRMI)

Diploma in Professional Human Resource Management (HRMI)

The uniqueness of this study program:

  • Lectures are delivered by highly qualified HR professionals in a collaborative learning environment, where personalized attention to students is given.
  • Learning goes beyond theoretical aspects and addresses real-world HR challenges.
    Regular assignments are given so that you know how well you are progressing in this study program.
  • English language learning support will be given free of charge for the students who need to improve their proficiency in English Language.
  • Free study sessions on Microsoft Office product suite
  • Pathways to complete your HR degree within a year after completing the Diploma Level.
  • Covering over 400 hours of teaching, far exceeding the coverage of comparable professional qualifications
  • Guest lectures delivered by subject matter experts to cover the latest HR topics to enrich the knowledge level of students
  • Having access to online learning platforms to supplement the knowledge given at lecturers
  • Diploma is awarded by the Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI)
  • Monthly payment plans are available with special discounts for Sakya and Sakya SIBT students.

Medium: English (with explanations in Sinhalese)
Classes are conducted physically on weekends at Sakya SIBT Nugegoda study centre.
Further information: hrminquire@sibt.edu.lk, 0777 474495, 0779707600

Entry Qualifications

– Any of the following qualifications would be accepted

  • Three passes in G.C.E Advanced Level (Pending results accepted)
  • Successful completion of DBIT Diploma offered by Sakya SIBT
  • GCE (O/L) with at least 2 years of work experience
  • Foundation / Certificate in HRM from HRMI/ NIBM / CIPM or equivalent

Course content (Modules)

– 400 study hours

  • Fundamentals of management
  • Organizational behavior
  • Core Functionalities of Human Resource Management
  • Talent Management
  • HR and Business Strategy
  • Industrial Relations
  • HRM in practice
  • Counselling and psychology
  • Advanced management techniques and their impact on the HRM
  • Industrial psychology
  • HR analytics
  • Modern trends in Human Resource Management
  • Integrated HR skill project


Diploma in Professional HRM (One year)

BSc (Hons) HRM and OB Degree (One and a Half years)

What you can expect after completing this Diploma?

  • Securing an entry/mid-level job in the field of HRM
  • If you are already employed, get an industry-recognized HR qualification
  • Fast-track your Bachelor’s degree in HRM/OB
  • Enhancing your professional network in HRM
  • Sessions on career guidance, organizing career fairs, and linking our students with matching job opportunities in Sri Lanka and overseas
  • Get insights into a diverse array of specializations and generalist roles available for modern HR professionals
  • Even if you do not want to start a career in HRM, every professional who needs to lead a team, or work in a cross-functional team, needs a sound understanding of people management principles and techniques. This diploma course fulfills that requirement